* New Year's notes
and wishes are always nice to receive, especially when it's a family of
J/Sailors enjoying their boat on New Year's Day itself! I must admit,
I'm jealous. On New Year's Day in Newport, RI we had a gorgeous, but
very cool day-- one intrepid cat boat did make it out for a quick tour
of Newport Harbor, perhaps fueled we might imagine by some deliciously
hot toddies or hot rum ciders! In this case, we got a cute note from
Allen Rives sailing his J/29 in Florida. Said Allen, "Here we are on our
J/29 SUPER DUCK sailing on St. Andrews Bay, Panama City, FL on New Years Day 2012!
Wish you'all were here! Best Wishes in 2012!" We love to get these
notes and photos, please send more of them to us at
"editor@jboats.com". :)