Again, the Bay did not disappoint. The J/24 class as greeted by classic "Bay conditions" with breezes smoking out of the WSW for most of the regatta. Furthermore, Touchstone Management Consultants, the title sponsor, ensured the fleet and BYC put on a first-class event. Most importantly, Chef Lulu cooked her wildly popular, award-winning Paella feast for all participating J/24 sailors, and guests, on Saturday evening!
Did it blow like the dogs? Was it cold? You bet! Samuel Clemens said it all; "the coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco!" Foulies were required clothing unless you were a seal with a layer of blubber.
It was pretty clear that the "class act" of the event was the title sponsored boat, TMC Racing sailed by Whitfield and crew, garnering six 1st places and one 3rd to win with nine points. A distant second was Taylor's crew on the boat ON BELAY that finished with 21 points. Third was Cumming's and crew on DOWNTOWN UPROAR with 29 points. Fourth was Susan Taylor on TAKE FIVE from SoCal getting 30 points and just missing out on her podium finish. Fifth was Lulvevich on SHUT UP AND DRIVE (really?) with 34 points. Watch the J/24 YouTube Video here. For more J/24 San Francisco Bay sailing information