(Brissago, Switzerland)- The Swiss Sailing J/70 Super League started this past weekend for a dozen sailing teams on Lago Maggiore. The Regattaclub Bodensee won the series in 2018 and is hoping to defend their title.
The RCB President Julian Flessati commented, "We have sailed several training programs in the winter with different teams. In addition, we train each team in advance of an event. Of course, it would be nice to defend the title again. I think you always go to the competitions with the hope to defend the title. As a goal, we have set ourselves a top 3 placing. As in the previous year, the RCO, SNG and SVK will certainly provide very good, competitive teams. But in general, the level is very high, so that probably all Super League teams can win. CNV Versoix got stronger and stronger last year and is my secret favorite. Even the newcomers must not be forgotten!”

The organizing clubs for the first event, Yacht Club Locarno (YCLO) and Friends of Sailing Brissago (FSB) selected the Yachtsport Resort Brissago as the event venue. While hoping for good weather conditions, the regatta could only manage to run seven races for each of the dozen teams all weekend long, such was the light weather all across Europe.
Winning the event was a team that was not even considered to be “on the radar screen”- Bordee de Tribord- La Neuveville (Lorenz Kausche, Laurent Forrer, Timon Kausche, & Morgane Emery) with a total of 17 pts. Taking second on a tie-breaker was another surprise team- Seglervereinigung Kreuzlingen (Tom Ruegge, Michael Hermann, Stefan Staheli, & Jens Lichtblau) with 19.8 pts. The loser on that countback was the bronze medal winners- the renowned Regattaclub Bodensee (Massimo Soriano, Jonathan Rutishauser, Stephan Zurfluh, & Rene Ott). Rounding out the top five were past SSL Super League winners Societe Nautique de Geneve with 21 pts. For more Swiss J/70 Super League sailing information Add to Flipboard Magazine.