Here is what’s happening at each boat show:
Gothenburg Boat Show- Jan 31- Feb 8
From January 31st to February 8th, the J/70 will be on display at the Gothenburg Boat Show in Sweden. Like the rest of Denmark and Germany, the J/70s are gaining tremedous momentum throughout Sweden as dozens of new sailors have fallen in love with it! Plus, talk to Peter at the show about the upcoming Swedish Sailing League in J/70s! For helpful information, please contact Marstrand Yachts- Peter Johansson at mobile# +46-735-430-800 or email- peter.johansson@marstrandyachts.com. For more Gothenburg Boat Show information.
Seattle Boat Show- Go Now!!
It’s the last weekend! Hightail it down to the indoor exhibition center and check out the spectacular new navy blue J/122E and the mucho rapido J/88 family speedster! The J’s are comfortably indoors at CenturyLink Field.
Plus, Friday night is “Sails & Ales” Night of Craft Beers! Show-goers can taste and toast the very best in craft beers while shopping for the J/Boat of their dreams or wandering the three acres of accessories exhibits. Free beer with a boat deposit! Contact Bob Ross (bob@sailnorthwest.com) or Ben Braden (ben@sailnorthwest.com) at Sail Northwest in Seattle, WA. More Seattle boat show information here.
Boston/ New England Boat Show- Feb 14-22
The boat show is located at Boston’s enormous waterfront Boston Convention & Exhibition Center and will be featuring the J/88. The show runs from February 14th to 22nd. Make sure to keep your loved ones in mind for Valentine’s Day! What better gift from the heart than a J/88 or J/70 wrapped in a giant red bow with roses! Ask Rich Hill or George Lowden how you can make that happen, contact them at ph# 781-631-3313 or email- hilllowden@aol.com. For more New England Boat Show information.

From January 31st to February 8th, the J/70 will be on display at the Gothenburg Boat Show in Sweden. Like the rest of Denmark and Germany, the J/70s are gaining tremedous momentum throughout Sweden as dozens of new sailors have fallen in love with it! Plus, talk to Peter at the show about the upcoming Swedish Sailing League in J/70s! For helpful information, please contact Marstrand Yachts- Peter Johansson at mobile# +46-735-430-800 or email- peter.johansson@marstrandyachts.com. For more Gothenburg Boat Show information.
Seattle Boat Show- Go Now!!
It’s the last weekend! Hightail it down to the indoor exhibition center and check out the spectacular new navy blue J/122E and the mucho rapido J/88 family speedster! The J’s are comfortably indoors at CenturyLink Field.
Plus, Friday night is “Sails & Ales” Night of Craft Beers! Show-goers can taste and toast the very best in craft beers while shopping for the J/Boat of their dreams or wandering the three acres of accessories exhibits. Free beer with a boat deposit! Contact Bob Ross (bob@sailnorthwest.com) or Ben Braden (ben@sailnorthwest.com) at Sail Northwest in Seattle, WA. More Seattle boat show information here.
Boston/ New England Boat Show- Feb 14-22
The boat show is located at Boston’s enormous waterfront Boston Convention & Exhibition Center and will be featuring the J/88. The show runs from February 14th to 22nd. Make sure to keep your loved ones in mind for Valentine’s Day! What better gift from the heart than a J/88 or J/70 wrapped in a giant red bow with roses! Ask Rich Hill or George Lowden how you can make that happen, contact them at ph# 781-631-3313 or email- hilllowden@aol.com. For more New England Boat Show information.