(Lake George, NY)- With registration closed out at seventy boats, it
was certain to be yet another epic adventure for ANY J/24 team showing
up for that extraordinary experience known as the Changing of the Colors
Regatta. Sailed on Lake George, NY in the upper Adirondack Mountains,
one cannot simply imagine a more picturesque place to sail in the world
(except, perhaps our dear friends on Lago di Garda, Italy (or Lago
Maggiore) or any of the Swiss/ Austrian lakes or even that famous lake
at nose-bleed level in Lake Dillon, CO or in Argentina's Andes
Mountains!). Ok, we understand, it's bloody gorgeous and you should
make it a point to put on your bucket list of sailing events ALL J/24
events that take place in "high elevations", none of which you'd ever
want to miss because the charm of them are the people, the location and
the crazy sailing! Wouldn't you just love 90 degree shifts from 5 kts
to 25 kts!

the highly entertaining value of sailing in such venues (remember, one
beer a mile up is worth three on the ground!), the sailing can be fun
and extremely competitive. While the folks in Lake George worried about
"tempests in a teapot" (or their "tea", God forbid) as Hurricane Irene
passed by a bit too close, the party HAD to go ON! And, "ON" it was for
the rabid band of revelers that made the annual "Woodstock-like
migration" to Lake George (for you history buffs, Woodstock is not that
far away from this place). The J/24 sailors were treated to yet another
great event, the Lake George Club rolled out the "red carpet" and
ensured the great sailing was complimented by great onshore
festivities. Forewarned, in this case, was forearmed! "Dress for the
80's and get ready to party with "Rattail Jimmy" on Saturday night
following dinner at the club!" That they did, with many crews paying
the price the next day. An example of these characters here:
In the end, it looked like Travis Odenbach and crew continue "on a
roll", demonstrating to many they could nearly win the party but still
sail, too. After only three races (due to a less than cooperative
weather forecast), Travis's crew on WATERLINES won by a squeaker, their
2-1-6 for 9 pts just besting Dave Van Cleef's 3-5-2 on CAROLINA GIRL.
J/24 World Champion Tim Healy on 11th HOUR RACING sailed a dazzling/
not-so-dazzling 1-12-1 for 14 pts to snag third. Following this crowd
was the re-emergence of J/24 veteran Kirk Reynolds (like Tony Parker on
BANGOR PACKET) sailing OKIE BOATING in fourth just two points back with
16 pts and fifth was John Whynacht from Canada (top foreigner) sailing
more J/24 Changing of Colors sailing results.