The stories to date are legion. J/95s sailing on Swiss Lakes have brought great joy to her owners, both as daysailing boats as well as the occasional evening "wine/cheese" race (as opposed to American beer-can races!). And, whether racing in Key West Race Week, daysailing off Naples, around the Chesapeake or off Harbor Springs, MI, J/95s have had more than their fair share of stories to tell. Just recently, in fact, Justin Palm was racing their family's J/95 off Harbor Spring and recounted how much fun it was to sail through the anchorage, into shoal waters where no one else could get into (under 4 feet!), stayed out of the current and in stronger wind, and was able to win an evening beer-can race! While we didn't' exactly have this idea in mind as a design criteria, it does illustrate the strength of the concept and how well the J/95 performs both upwind and downwind. When you need to dial-up some upwind performance, the 5.5' draft with board down assures you of sparkling VMG's to windward, a near impossibility with competitive shoal-draft cruisers. Be sure to visit the J-booth at Annapolis to see this revolutionary J cruiser and daysailer.

For more J/95 information- http://www.jboats.com/j95
For more J/108 information- http://www.jboats.com/j108
For more J/111 information- http://www.jboats.com/j111
For more J/80 information- http://www.jboats.com/j80