"Because I Am A Girl" Charity
(Lorient, France)- A fantastic new event was created this year to benefit a leading women humanitarian charity program in France. Seventeen women's teams from across France, including some famous one's like Morgane Fountaine, sailed J/80s under a warm sun to support the women's projects called "Because I Am A Girl" managed by the Association PLAN throughout France.
On shore, the yacht club was completely dressed in pink, the colors of the "Because I Am A Girl" project. A booth was host to members of Association PLAN to further help support this humanitarian program through the sales of cool pink t-shirts.
Blue sky and wind of 10-15 knots was the perfect background for the women dressed in pink to enjoy their first Women's Cup. The westerly land breeze was oscillating back and forth and kept the girls anxious as they sought to free themselves from the pack and sail amongst the leaders. The racing was ver tight for the three races sailed. However, it was one of the top French women sailors who led the pack- Morgane Fountaine, accompanied by Sophie Blanckaert, Eve Pajot, Sigrid Longeau Bertho and Sandrine- looking pretty in pink these girls won the first edition of this regatta open to all women. Second was "The Galerne Chikabreizh" sailed by Anne Claire Le Berre, third was "AMC Composite Team" of Anne Solomon Helley. Samantha Davies, sponsor of the event, was sailing with the "Daughters of the Water" and finished in 8th place. For more J/80 Women's Cup sailing information.