(Port Credit, ONT, Canada)- From July 12th to 16th the Port Credit YC in
Port Credit, Ontario will be hosting their annual Lake Ontario 300 race
for a fleet of singlehanded, double-handed, and fully-crewed yachts from
across Lake Ontario. It is considered one of the most challenging Great
Lakes long distance offshore races due to the nature of the course
sailing a criss-crossing navigation of the lake. The event is popular
with J/Boats crews in the region and many are participating in nearly
all the divisions.
In the IRC 1 Class, Bruce Pierce’s J/122 HOOLIGAN II from Toronto, ONT.
In the PHRF Singlehanded 1 division will be Geoffrey Roulet’s J/35
JEANNIE from Kingston, ONT. In the PHRF 1 Division are several
full-crewed teams, such as Robert Dewitte’s J/100 PERSPECTIVE, Kim
Piller’s J/109 LIVE WIRE, Murray Gainer’s J/109 LIVELY, and Matt
Emerson’s J/120 RED LEAF. For
more Lake Ontario 300 sailing information
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