IRC, ORC and PHRF are returning, as one might expect. In addition, an exciting, new, innovative format will be introduced– “Plus+1”. Plus+1 allows the crew to be one person larger than the first digit of hull-length. (30-39’= 4 crew, 40–49’= 5 crew, etc.) Plus+1 fills a sweet spot between double-handing and fully crewed racing, lowering costs and the need for crew. The Plus+1 class will be sailing a windward/ leeward course in the morning and a “random-leg” race around government marks in the afternoon. They will also do the famous Around the Island Race on the day the whole fleet goes around.
A spring schedule of Plus+1 Races is coming together and the first event will be the American Yacht Club Spring Series (April 27, 28 and May 4, 5) where the group will sail courses around government marks. The second race is the Edlu Trophy (May 11), which is a short distance race that goes east 16 miles, rounds a mark and returns to the finish. The third event is the 186-mile Block Island Race (May 24) that goes from Stamford, Ct., around Block Island and the back to Stamford. The last scheduled Plus+1 regatta will be Block Island Race Week.
7 Reasons To Sail Plus+1:
- Easier to find enough crew. Reduces the time e-mailing and calling.
- Everyone on the boat has a lot of jobs to do. No bored rail meat.
- It's safer. If someone gets hurt or goes overboard, two or more people can help.
- Teams can sail in a broader range of events; windward/ leewards, race around government marks, and classic distance races.
- Saves money. Fewer lunches and fewer post-race cocktails to buy. Rent a smaller house!
- Makes your boat better for cruising. Setup to be handled by less people, better for couple cruising
- Sail with your friends, not your friends’ friend.