(Hamble, England)- The second four weeks of the series have only one
race per day as the nights close in and the winter proper begins. Even
so, these four races can be crucial as discards start to play their
part. So, with eight races gone and four to go it is time to look at the
story so far.
In Class 1, Chaz Ivill and Paul Heys, sailing the J/112E DAVANTI TYRES,
continue to lead the way with a pretty solid 8 point lead.

Class 2, it is very much a J/Boats battle. Mike and Susie Yates’ J/109
JAGO, is in first place on 11 points over Simon Perry's J/109 JIRAFFE,
second with 20. But, once again, JIRAFFE has a 15 point DNC to discard.
With no cancellations in the series so far, the likelihood of eleven
races and three discards is pretty strong. Then, Gavin Howe’s J/88
TIGRIS also has 20 points in third place; just ahead of their sister
ship J-DREAM (Kirsty & David Apthorp) on 22 points.
As a result of those races in Class 2, the J/88 One-design calculations
show that Howe’s TIGRIS is winning the class, followed by the Apthorp’s
J-DREAM in second and Dirk van Beek’s SABRIEL JR in third.

the top five of Class 3 is David Greenhalgh’s J/92 J’RONIMO, sitting on
31 pts, but including a DNC (17 pts). As they’ve done before, don’t be
surprised if they leap up the standings after collecting more discard
races. The races they have sailed in gives them a 3rd average, good
enough to vault them onto the podium if they keep up that pace.
One of the HYS Hamble Winter Series' great supporters, Force 4
Chandlery, will be the day sponsor this weekend. Force 4 at Port Hamble
Marina open early on Sunday mornings to cater for last minute purchases
by our competitors. Watch out for Force 4 money off vouchers at the
prize giving in the club on Sunday lunchtime, always useful for
Christmas presents at this time of year. Remember, if you don't come in
your prize will cascade down to the next boat. For the rest of us it
will just be beer and chips as usual. Thanks for contribution from
Trevor Pountain. For
more Hamble Winter Series sailing information
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