(San Diego, CA)- San Diego Yacht Club’s signature spring regatta, the
Yachting Cup, was sailed for the 44th time April 29- May 1. There were
eighty-eight boats participating, with thirty-three J/Teams (38% of the
fleet) that sailed in offshore PHRF handicap and in four one-design
classes (J/70, J/80, J/105 and J/120).

highlight of the regatta for one J/crew was the result of a clean sweep
of all three races on the final day of racing Sunday. RIVAL, a J/35 in
Division C skippered by David Boatner, was declared the Overall
Champion of the regatta after he eclipsed Dennis Conner’s MENACE XVII!
Here is how it all went down for the three days of racing.
On the first day of racing Saturday for all J/classes, the Race
Committee fit in 4 races on Courses A and B, but only 3 races on Course C
due to shifty winds and 4-5 foot swells. The beginning of the day
looked bleak when competitors woke up to an uncommonly rainy San Diego
morning. However, the day cleared up and the sun managed to greet the
racers for the 11:30am starts. All three courses experienced similar but
slightly different weather patterns.
Commented one sailor about Course C, “the winds were between 10-13 knots
out of the South, which was strange. The waves were atrocious and Race
Committee had to postpone the first start twice.”

Diaz De Leon, aboard Jeff Janov’s J/70 MINOR THREAT and part of the
winning crew in the 2015 J/70 North American Championship, commented on
the conditions on Course A: “The wind made it difficult because the
typical San Diego rules didn’t apply. It was pressure on both sides that
made it really tricky. It was still a fun day to sail. The competition
within the J/70 fleet was really close with different wins for different
After a spirited Cinco de Mayo Party on Saturday night, the crews woke
up to a much different day on Sunday. After a tiring, bumpy day on
Saturday, many competitors were relieved that Sunday’s races were back
to familiar conditions. On all three courses, most competitors looked
less stressed and pleased to see smoother seas.

was much nicer than Saturday,” confirmed Joanne O’Dea on the J/105
VIGGEN, which took fourth place in the J/105 class. “The breeze was
perfect and steady at 220-225 on Course A for Sunday’s three races. Our
crew had not all sailed together since the New Year’s Day Race and it
was so nice to be with them this weekend and get back into a groove. Our
roundings were perfect, the mechanics on the boat were great and though
our starts were shy at first, they steadily improved each race.”
Sunday’s winds were slower to accelerate, starting at around 5 knots at
220. Luckily, they picked up to about 10 knots with gusts at 12 by the
start of the second races. The wind was consistently shifting right all
day, so many San Diego sailors were thankful to be back in their
everyday conditions.

J/105 class saw a repeat winner, Rick Goebel’s SANITY counted all top
three races enroute to a very closely fought two pt lead. Second place
was determined by a tie-breaker between two other championship J/105
teams, with Dennis Case’s WINGS taking that match-up over the Hurlburt/
Driscoll crew on the bright-orange JUICED. Fourth was Dag Fish’s VIGGEN
and fifth was Scott McDaniel’s OFF THE PORCH.
Winner of the J/70 fleet was a family affair with Shawn Bennett and
Ullman Sails Newport Beach loft owner Bruce Cooper taking first in class
with their sons Conner (12) and Morgan (16). However, their win did
not come easy, even after closing the last two races with two bullets.
Just one point back, tied at 14 pts each, were Jeff Janov’s MINOR THREAT
and Chris Raab’s SUGOI, the tie-break going to Janov’s team. Dave
Vieregg’s SOGGY DOLLAR won a race and counted all top five finishes to
place 4th. In fifth place was Steve Wyman’s NUNUHUNU.

their amazing combination of speed and smarts was John Laun’s crew on
CAPER, counting just 1sts and 2nds to win the J/120 Class by a
comfortable margin. Hoping to slow them down and catch CAPER after
winning two races in a row was Chuck Nichols’ CC RIDER. But, a last
race bomber cost them their bid for the top of the podium, settling for
the silver. After starting off strong and tied for the lead after the
first two races, a 1-2 tally, John Snook’s gang on JIM just could not
get it consistently together for the balance of the series and had to
hang on for third position.

the world of PHRF handicap, the J/125s were at it again. Tim Fuller’s
J/125 RESOLUTE took first place in Division A despite being down two
crew members on Sunday. “We were neck and neck with Rock & Roll
this whole weekend,” explained crew member Patrick Murray on RESOLUTE.
“But our fast boat speed and good starts helped us overcome the fact
that we didn’t have our full crew. We were able to pull off a win and
that really solidified the whole regatta experience for us.” After
starting the regatta in 2nd place after the first two races, Mark
Surber’s J/125 team on DERIVATIVE faded down into fourth overall.
The big winner on Sunday was David Boatner’s J/35 RIVAL in Division C.
On Saturday, Dennis Conner’s MENACE XVII took three bullets to easily
lead their division, for the time being. However, it was RIVAL’s turn on
Sunday, matching Conner’s triple bullets and taking both the class win
by a point and being declared the Yachting Cup overall regatta champion-
not bad for a nearly 30 year old boat! No question, the infamous “DC”
was not happy being beaten by a JBoat!
After Sunday’s races, competitors gathered on the Sail Wash Lawn for the
award ceremony where Commodore Doug Werner and Regatta Chair Julie
Servais presented awards. “For many reasons, Yachting Cup is one of my
favorite regattas at the club,” expressed Werner. “It has a great
liveliness which wouldn’t be possible without our incredible regatta
chair, Julie Servais. I’d also like to thank the Race Committee, Protest
Committee, SDYC staff, all the competitors and our event sponsors. The
success of Yachting Cup is truly a team effort.”
Sailing photo credits- Bronny Daniels/ JOY Sailing.com For
more SDYC Yachting Cup sailing information