(Mumbai, India)- The latest J/122E sailing on the
Indian Ocean recently had a splendid offshore cruise from Mumbai to Goa and back.
Here is the story of that voyage and experience that was featured in
India Yacht Magazine. The founder and publisher of India Yacht,
“Zinia”, was thrilled to have this report from Ayesha Lobo (the J/India
dealer) and have the opportunity to promote boating and sailing in
See their article here. Here’s Ayesha’s story.
“Sailing From Mumbai To Goa On A No Moon Night!
It was a new moon on the night eight valiant sailors set sail from
Mumbai to Goa in a J/122E to catch the India Bike Week 2015 last month
in February. The round trip covered a week with two days of sailing to
the destination non-stop, two or three days on land and two days of
sailing back to the homeport.
Out of the team members, only three of them had experienced offshore
sailing and the others were well versed with tackling the winds within
the harbor. It was a one-of-a-kind first time experience for them and
they would recommend it to anyone who is ready for an adventure and up
for enduring some highly disciplined yet fun outdoor living! Sit back
and read on about their exciting escapade…
A little about the sailboat and preparations before the voyage…

Ayesha Lobo has sailed to Goa in sailboats much smaller, like the J/24
that are almost half the size of the J/122E, she recommends that one
chooses a boat that suits them best in terms of size, stability and
on-board living. The versatile J/122E is a beautiful 40-foot
cruiser/racer with comfortable live-aboard accommodations, a refined
deck layout, low VCG keel with a moderate 7.2′ draft. She is the
ultimate combination of endearing sailing performance and comfort for a
sailboat of her size, she is as easy-to-handle by a couple as it is for a
full crew to race around the buoys!
Sunil Lobo tells us about the adequate planning and checking of the
vessel and the paperwork that is a must before the journey. The boat was
checked inside out, he says, engine, rigging, sails, safety equipment
and a spare anchor were all in place and functional. Paper work involved
informing both ports and the coast guards well in advance of the trip.
Having a shore-team in place helps tremendously as they take care of
many things like providing the dinghies to go on to shore and back, or
any crucial/helpful information like sudden change of weather
conditions. Local knowledge comes in handy when you have to avoid
fishing nets and rocks and steer into a clear and safe course.
Performing a safety drill and maintaining an absolutely disciplined code
of conduct are paramount.
The journey…
As mentioned earlier it was the first time for the majority of the crew
who were making an offshore voyage, hence it was an incredible learning
experience for them. With two Yacht Masters on board, Ayesha and
Sandeep, both RYA-qualified, the boat was in capable hands, nonetheless
everyone was asked to be alert and vigilant through the journey.

worked in 12-hour shifts rotating every 4 hours between them. The
J/122E sailed between the shipping channel and the shore; hence, land
remained always more or less in sight. The team learned many new skills
like chart-plotting both on paper (hard copy) and electronic devices.
They sailed with the kite up during the day, racing with the wind but
put it away at night for a calm and smooth ride. The crew kept in touch
with loved ones sending SMS texts regularly and through the radio. If
you were wondering if there is much to do once you are on a boat and in
the middle of the sea, you would be surprised to learn that there is
plenty! During the day, there were so many fun activities to indulge in
and the nights were equally magical thanks to no moon in the skies!
Activities on board…
Besides taking the wheel, the team performed the man-overboard drill
(with a bucket) while the boat was in motion and at good speed. This
situation calls for immediate action when a crewmember accidentally
falls off the boat. It may sound fun to you but getting that person back
aboard is harder than you think! Unless you do the right things, fast,
when someone falls overboard, that person could be lost. Man-overboard
(MOB) fatalities make up 24% of all boating mishaps. Hence, this
activity, though very entertaining, had to be performed with utmost
seriousness. Later some of the crew took a quick dive into the crystal
waters. You also need to watch out for sea snakes in the waters if you
intend to stop the boat and take a dip or a quick swim or go snorkeling
and diving. They are much more dangerous and poisonous and it is a good
idea to carry anti-venom if you wish to perform such daredevil antics!

of course, was the next most thrilling pastime and no, they had no
fancy equipment on board, not even fishing rods. By just throwing in
some bait tied to a line, they managed to pull in a sizable catch!
Beginner’s luck? Pretty impressive I would say! Though Ayesha was
insistent on putting it back into the sea, fate had it otherwise. Our
fishy traveled back with us to Mumbai to be deliciously barbequed and
Another fun activity on board is going up the mast when there is no wind
and the boat is more or less still. If you are wondering what’s so
great about that, well, the picture below explains it all :) Ahoy
Meghna! That’s a great shot from your first time up there.
Although it is hot during the day and you are out in the sun, it is
comparatively more comfortable when you are out on the waters. It’s way
cooler and the breeze makes it a very pleasant experience. Getting to
the most exciting part of the voyage – sailing on a new moon night, this
was a first for all of them!

the day you have visual references like the shore or other boats in the
distance but night sailing is very different. During the day you are
looking down at the charts to navigate, believe it or not, at night you
are looking up at the stars for the same! Although a no moon meant
sailing in almost pitch darkness, the stars were very clear and brightly
shown in the skies. It was an overwhelming experience sailing your
course with the stars to guide you. Its instant gratification says
Nandan who owns the boat. Did you know one can download free apps that
see stars and help you navigate? Simply incredible!! You open the app
and point your screen towards the sky. The app automatically catches the
patterns and tells you the star constellation you are pointing to.
That was a mind-blowing experience!

is essential to keep yourself adequately hydrated and well-fed during
the journey. One can never carry enough good food, hence you also need
to be disciplined with the stock (inventory) you take along and consume.
There could be a leak or some unforeseen spill, so one should be
prepared for such situations. Last and most importantly, I’d like to
mention Rohit who was the chef in charge on board! He prepared gourmet
meals for the crew which kept them delighted and satisfied. Meals
included simple dal and rice, tacos, pasta, bacon and eggs, garlic toast
and lots of coffee. The yacht masters on night shifts looked forward to
their mid night and 4 am cup of coffee! For persons who are completely
new to offshore sailing and have had no more experience than a one or
two hour sail in the harbour, it is advised that they make stops in
between the voyage. There are many destinations to explore in between
Mumbai and Goa with decent facilities if you want to stay a night over.
These include Nangaon, Ganpatiphule, Jaigarh, Rewdanda, and so forth.
To conclude, if you liked this article and have a story of your own to
share, do write us!! If you would like to learn how to sail or
experience a similar voyage, get in touch today and get planning. The
summer vacation awaits!
For more information about sailing in India, please contact Sunil Lobo (lobosunil@hotmail.com) or Ayesha Lobo (ayeshalobo27@hotmail.com).