(Arcachon, France)- It seems that J/22s happen to pop up in the most
unusual places performing rather well and, even more heartening, posting
some remarkable performances. In the world of one-design racing, they
continue to be quite popular in the USA, Europe and South Africa. And,
for those who simply enjoy day sailing and weekending, the J/22 has
proven to equally adept at winning under various handicap systems- like
PHRF or IRC! Who knew, eh?!

that end, Olivier Saint Martin from Arcachon, France is happy to report
they have repeated their 2013 performance as the “kings” of Arcachon
Bay, taking the Premium Class Championship for the second time in a
row! The event consists of fourteen races and had over twenty-three
boats participating for the series- over eighty sailors participated!
The happy crew aboard the J/22 MARLOTTE V includes Olivier Saint Martin, Philippe De Galzain and Christophe Mathieu. For
more Voile Arcachon Premium Class Championship sailing information