First reactions are always telling, and there’s no question the J/88 (29.0 ft overall) will excite many sailors. She accelerates like the J/70 and tracks like the J/111. There’s an instant response to fine adjustments in helm and trim that you’d expect from a high performance J. At the same time there’s a feeling of security while sitting in the cockpit, and a feeling of confidence as the boat handles the waves and wind.
The ergonomics are fantastic. It’s easy to move in and out of the J/111-style cockpit with plenty of hand and footholds, nothing big to step over. The driver can trim the mainsail single-handed style or have a dedicated main trimmer and both be comfortably positioned. The open cockpit area behind the traveller provides extra seating and on-deck cooler storage, perfect for picnic swim/sails with a pile of kids aboard. Below decks, one can sit on the settees and lean back with full sitting headroom under the side decks. The main bulkhead opening is several inches wider than normal, making passage forward to the head or to the spinnaker easier.
To see the J/88 and schedule a demo sail, please contact your local J/Dealer or J/Boats at Ph# +1-401-846-8410 or email- info@jboats.com. For more J/88 family speedster sailing information