(Cayman Island, Sometime Last Week)- Yes, the "island groove" and ethos is still alive and well with our dear friends down in the Caribbean and those in the same friendly latitudes. Remember that feature awhile back in J/News about our friends in the Cayman Islands deciding that sailing was "important"? That is was good for families, friends and strangers? That it would promote fun, camaraderie and a greater appreciation for being outdoors and enjoying our little lifeboat called "Planet Earth"??
Well, the gang down in The Caymans are slowly (emphasis, slowly), winding up their winter sailing season while the poor sods up in The North (as opposed to The Down Under) are "Cooling Down". The season starts with The Governors Cup.
With the experienced crew of Mike Farrington on helm, ably supported by Matt Diaz and Sam Dawson, their JUST LEAVING Team have dominated the fleet of late. Nevertheless, they were given a good challenge by Nick Taylor driving MOONSHINE in Commodore Andrew Moon's absence (gone AWOL making moonshine?). Giving them all a run for their money was Peter Cunningham's SUNSHINE taking third. Oh dear, could it be that someone was JUST LEAVING town in the SUNSHINE because one was making MOONSHINE? Hope not. For more Cayman Islands J/22 sailing information.