(Hyannisport, MA)- The most popular offshore Memorial Day event in New England has to be the “The Figawi”. Saturday morning, the PHRF pursuit-style race started off Hyannis at 10:00am and sent the fleet off on a 25.0nm adventure to Nantucket. While it was a gorgeous day on Saturday, the wing Gods did not cooperate, making it a longer than normal cruise across Nantucket Sound to the finish line off the harbor entrance. Most boats took around 6+ hours to make the crossing, about a 4.2 kts average! Nevertheless, the breeze angles seemed favorable to a number of J/Teams.
Sweeping the podium in PHRF S1 Class were Chris Lund’s J/133 JUMP in first, followed by David Southwell’s J/121 ALCHEMY in second, and Jimmy Masiero’s J/122 URSUS MARITIMUS in third.
Similarly, J/Teams swept PHRF S2 Class, winning was Dwight Greenhouse’s J/105 SKIPPERDEE, followed by the trio on the J/105 DARK’N’STORMY (Joyce, Reservitz, Wagner) and Sam Cushing’s J/80 THE PARTY TREE, in second and third, respectively.
PHRF C division had Ira Perry’s J/29 SEEFEST take 4th, while Ben Hodgson’s J/100 GRIMACE placed 5th. In PHRF D division, John Ryley’s J/30 OTIS took fourth place. Then, in PHRF G division, Bill Jones’ J/40 SMITTEN got the bronze. FIGAWI Race sailing information- Entries/ results Regatta site Add to Flipboard Magazine.