Nova Scotia- Oct 30)- Leave it up to our Canadian friends to push the
envelope and have some fun on their new 111. On a spectacular cool,
fall weekend, the Nova Scotians decided to mimic what the 55 knot
kite-boarders were achieving in the Ludertiz Speed Challenge in Africa
and do their own version- the Halifax 111 Speedster Experience! 20+
knots! The photo here is no joke, the 25 foot chase boat had a hard time
keeping up with the 111 flying downwind. It's 111 #5 off Halifax in a
northwester, gusts to 25 TWS in flat water. Boat speed was a sustained
15-19 knots downwind; bursting to 20+ knots. 110 sq m asym and reefed
main. Basically, it was a bunch of friends and potential owners
having fun, no one was pushing the envelope. Just going for a
"walk-in-the-park" 111 style! Why wasn't anyone hiking? Because
everyone wanted to drive! See the great video taken by Jim Snair and friends.